This computer vision-based project is focused on model building towards multi-class classification in identifying whether a patient has one of three lung conditions:
Done with convolutional neural networks (CNN), the goal of the model is to provide a diagnosis based on a patient’s X-ray scan, with high-AUC and classification accuracy.
Hopefully, the model I created will benefit both medical staff as well as data enthusiasts like myself, as the challenge of interpreting X-ray scans are often steep without much domain expertise in pulmonology and/or virology. This is where the neural network comes in.
NOTE: Please do not test diagnostic performance of a model without an extensive clinical study!
At any rate, please consider this to be my modest form of contribution towards addressing the COVID-19 pandemic that's currently ravaging the world.
The dataset was uploaded to Kaggle by the user Pranav Raikote around April 2020, but only gained engagement in later months up until today (25 Feb 2021).
Original data is sourced from University of Montreal via their publicly accessible GitHub repository.
This data is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The model will be built around Keras
, specifically wrapped with stacked Conv2D()
and MaxPooling2D()
layers before eventually passing the flattened feature matrices onto Dense()
layers for final classification.
First, we import the essential modules:
import os, sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
A brief preview of the images this project will be working around:
Load the images onto tensorflow
before pre-processing. We split training set into 80% training and 20% validation.
train_loader = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(
rescale = (1.0 / 255), # Pixel normalization
validation_split = 0.2, # Splits into 20% validation set
zoom_range=0.2, # Augmentation parameter
rotation_range=15, # Augmentation parameter
width_shift_range=0.05, # Augmentation parameter
height_shift_range=0.05) # Augmentation parameter
test_loader = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(rescale = (1.0 / 255))
print("For training set: ")
train_iterator = train_loader.flow_from_directory('data/train',
target_size = (512, 512),
subset = "training",
# save_to_dir = 'data/debug' to manually check transformed images
print("\nFor validation set: ")
val_iterator = train_loader.flow_from_directory('data/train',
target_size = (512, 512),
subset = "validation",
# save_to_dir = 'data/debug' to manually check transformed images
print("\nFor test set: ")
test_iterator = test_loader.flow_from_directory("data/test",
target_size = (512, 512),
color_mode='grayscale', batch_size = 66)
x_test, y_test =
# Quick sanity check
print("Dimensions of one sample in the training set:")
print("\nDimensions of one label in the training set:")
print("\nCheck respective class labels:")
The tensors in the test set represents the light intensity (as channels) in the images. As x-ray scans are considered grayscale in nature, we only have one channel per image.
statement below, the closer the number is to 1
, the closer it is to white (and vice versa).1
, indicating this x-ray scan belongs to a person without COVID-19 nor Viral Pneumonia.print("Preview of test set: {}".format(x_test[0][0][40:50])) # This represents the light intensity in the images.
print("Preview of test labels: {}".format(y_test[0])) # This represents the label.
For sample batch input:
is the number of images per batch;512 x 512
is the dimensions of the images, rescaled, overriding previous aspect ratio;1
is the number of channels; because this is grayscale, 1 represents only one channel, the light channel. For sample label:
is the number of images per batch;3
is the number of classes:
- Class
refers toCovid
- Class
refers toNormal
- Class
refers toViral Pneumonia
Stacking Conv2D()
and MaxPooling2D()
layers simultaneously are the main idea behind this whole network. Also, with strides
set to 1
on convolutional layers, the model prevents any loss of information at the cost of training time.
The full structure of the model can be seen below:
model = tf.keras.Sequential(name = "LungClassifier")
shape=(512, 512, 1), name = "InputLayer"))
4, 5, strides=1, activation="relu", name = "1stConvLayer"))
pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(3, 3), name = "1stPoolLayer"))
4, 3, strides=1, activation="relu", name = "2ndConvLayer"))
pool_size=(2,2), strides=(2,2), name = "2ndPoolLayer"))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Flatten(name = "Flatten"))
## Wrap up the model building process before compiling
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, activation="softmax", name = "FinalClassifier"))
Even with this simple model, the network has a whopping amount of parameters to train with 82,923 total trainable weights. In this particular project, the input size is around 512 x 512
pixels which is a lot of tensors to compute per epoch. This is why I don't add any more deeper layers after the second pooling layer 2ndPoolLayer
, or even add another Dense
before the final classifier FinalClassifier
If I had done so, the model would possess an exponentially large number of weights to train, around 100-300 thousand.
Some final configurations needed to be made before starting to fit our image tensors into the instantiated model:
Define EarlyStopping()
callback as a method to prevent overfitting towards the training dataset. Additional parameters:
more passes to see whether val_auc
experiences a significant increase.However, this callback eventually was not used in the final model training and was only used to monitor performance before we iterate too much and yielded too little.
callback for saving learned kernels/filters along the epochs. Additional parameters:val_categorical_accuracy
as the network optimizer with learning rate configured to 0.005
.## Run this cell to start training
# Define earlystopping
es = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_auc', mode='max', verbose=1, patience=10)
# Define model checkpoint
checkpoint = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(
"model_checkpoints", monitor="val_categorical_accuracy", verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode="max")
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.005), # Tweak learning rate as needed
loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(),
metrics = [
steps_per_epoch= train_iterator.samples/16, # Samples divided by batch size
epochs = 40,
validation_data = val_iterator,
validation_steps = val_iterator.samples/16, # Samples divided by batch size
callbacks = [checkpoint])
Note: output of the training cell is collapsed to save space.
With this simple model, the evaluation metrics for validation dataset comes out surprisingly good with:
As a side note, a baseline model would only possess 33.3% multi-categorical prediction accuracy.
After the model performance is deemed reasonable, we evaluate on the test set of total 60+ images, as well as calculate ground truth versus prediction labels with sklearn
's classification_report
cross_entropy, acc, auc = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test)
print("------------------ EVALUATION FINISHED! ------------------".center(115))
print("""Final Multi-Categorical Cross-Entropy (loss func.) is {}
Final Multi-Categorical Accuracy (eval. metric) is {}
Final Area Under ROC Curve (eval. metric) is {}""".format(cross_entropy, acc, auc))
Calculating precision, recall, and F1-score of the three classes. As we can see, this dataset is totally not biased as there are rougly the same amount of images in each class.
The most important result is the F1-score, which uses the harmonic mean of all predictions in all classes. F1-score represents the overall viability of the model.
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
y_estimate = model.predict(x_test)
y_estimate = np.argmax(y_estimate, axis = 1)
y_true = np.argmax(y_test, axis = 1)
print(classification_report(y_true, y_estimate))
With only a simple architecture, this CNN model reached the following metrics tested on unseen data:
For future modelling, I would absolutely advise to normalize all the input tensors first (scaled to floats 0-1); as neural networks struggle with large integers in computing their weights/kernels. Doing this, whilst may seem trivial at first, can potentially increase evaluation metrics up to 10-20% on validation data set.
The pre-trained model had also been exported, in case anyone in the data science community would like to train it further with larger datasets.
# Run this cell to export model
--- Written, tested, and published by Charis Chrisna ---